While in kiosk mode, only allowed application packages can be opened. Ensemble handles some of these automatically (i.e. any application shortcuts added to the Multi-kiosk home screen), but other applications are less obvious. For example, to use a video call application, the camera app's package must also be added to the allow list. Other times it's not clear what package is being blocked by the Android OS.

Follow the steps below to learn the package name of the blocked application.


Finding Package Info

  1. Have the device on and running the Kiosk, and then attempt to open the program that is failing for you.
  2. Go to the Devices page on the Ensemble management site. Then choose Options | Remote Commands | Request Bug Report in the row of the device from step 1.
  3. Approve the sending of the Bug Report on the device from the notification in the notification shade.
  4. It can take a while for the system to generate and upload the Bug Report. The report can be found under Options | History | Bug Report History.
  5. Choose the Report that is from this date, download it. Each manufacturer uploads different bug report files. The one you're looking for has the logcat and usually is the largest sized file in the zipped folder. On Samsung devices, its usually the dumpstate file.
  6. Now you will search the file for the error message that lists what package was blocked by the Android OS. The easiest way to find the package you need to whitelist is to CTRL + F to open the Find feature, and search for "Lock Task Mode Violation", and look for the package containing the name of the program you are trying to whitelist.

Allowing The Package

  1. Copy the package name from the dumpstate notepad file.
  2. Go to your Project | Policies | Kiosk Settings | Other Packages Allowed During Kiosk | Manage Packages.
  3. In the second field labeled "other package", paste in the package from the dumpstate file. (EX, com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox)
  4. Hit the add button in the bottom right.
  5. Save the project, deploy the project, and attempt to open the package again.