From the Company Devices table, choose Actions via CSV. (As shown in image below) to open the Upload Devices dialog.

Creating a CSV File 

1. Select the Download Sample CSV link

2. Open the template file with Excel or notepad.

3. Save the file as a CSV (i.e. example.csv)

Note: If using Excel, make sure to format the IMEI and / or MEID columns as text

Acceptable headers:

  • IMEI: The device IMEI (Required if not using Mechanical Serial)
  • MEID: The device MEID. (If this is used, the IMEI will be calculated and assigned automatically).
  • IMEI2: The device's second IMEI (Optional: not all devices have two IMEIs)
  • Mechanical Serial: The device Serial number (Required for Wi-Fi only tablets)
  • ADB: The device ADB identifier (Optional)
  • Manufacturer: The device manufacturer. (optional)
  • Alias: A device alias you wish to associate with it (optional)
  • Account required: require application user login? (yes/no) (optional)

Adding Devices

  • Select Add to Company
  • Choose the license you wish to apply to each device in the upload.
  • Check Upload to Zero-touch for the easiest Ensemble enrollment experience. (Setup Google Zero-touch)
  • Select a default manufacturer that will be applied to every device in the upload that does not have a value in the CSV.
  • Check I have authority to manage these devices
  • Click Attach csv file and then choose the desired file of devices
  • A table of devices will populate, make sure that the number of devices matches what was expected and look for any errors.
  • Click Upload X Devices to upload the devices.
  • Once completed, click View Device Upload Details to view a CSV files of the results of the upload.

Advanced Options 

Alternatively, Samsung devices can be uploaded to Samsung KME. As of Android 9, all devices can use Zero-touch.

In order to use the KME uploader:

  • Setup Samsung KME for the company
  • Set the device manufacturer to Samsung
  • Check Upload to KME under Advanced Options