Before continuing, be sure that you have created your project, and added any applications, files, etc that you need to have on your device(s). Once the project has been created, be sure to add the device to the project. 

To add a device to your company, please see this knowledgebase article.

For information regarding how to add applications to your company, please see this help guide

For further information regarding managing the applications, please see our guide on this topic.

For Android 10, when you add content to your project and add it to the device, you will need to reload the policies after the content has been downloaded. It will show the content on the device  as thumbnails of the images/pdfs/video files, but when you click them, they will fail to open. Once the content has been downloaded onto the device, reload the policies, and then you will be able to see the content.

In order to reload policies, press the Three Dots button in the top right corner, and choose "Reload Policies". This will force the device to grab the most up-to-date data from our servers regarding your project. 

When installing Ensemble onto a Device using Android 10, after logging into your a wireless network/cellular network, and logging into the device using a Google Account login, you will see the following screen:

This screen allows you to see the progress of each application that you downloading onto your device. 
You will see a separate line for each program that you are installing onto the device via your project. 

Once you have finished downloading the applications, it will take you to the main Kiosk screen of your device. You may need to reload policies to ensure everything has downloaded, in case there is a weak network connection while downloading.