Within Ensemble, Alerts can be set up for devices on the company. These alerts help to make sure the fleet of devices are in good working order.
Setting Up Alerts
To set up Alerts, navigate to the company page, click Devices, then Alerts. The following screen will load:
From this page, one can view the history of previous Device Alerts on the History Tab, or create and edit the policies for these alerts in the Polices tab.
Policies Tab
Create a new policy by pressing the + button on the far right of the screen.
On the screen that opens, create the policy for the alert. First, select the type of Alert. The alert types are as follows:
Battery Health: If the battery status changes from anything but “good”.
Battery Level: If the battery level drops below the threshold.
Data Usage: If cell data usage exceeds the threshold within the provided time frame.
Geofence: If a project has a Geofence policy, it will use this priority and email list
For more information on Geofence policies, please see our Geofence article here.
SIM Change: If the SIM is changed.
Storage Level: If the percentage of used storage exceeds the threshold.
Alert Thresholds
Certain alerts have thresholds:
Battery Level: Enter the battery percentage to alert if it gets below.
Data Usage: Enter the amount of data that must be used to send the alert.
Under the threshold field, choose the Unit (MB or GB)
Under the unit, select the time period (None, Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
Storage Level: Enter the amount of used storage the device must pass to send the alert.
Priority Levels
After entering the threshold information, choose a Priority level for this alert.
The priority alert levels are as follows:
1 - Urgent: Every minute
2 - High: Every hour
3 - Normal: Every 12 hours
4 - Low: Every 24 hours
Note: Data usage has priority levels 2-4, and Storage Level has priority levels 3-4.
Beneath that field is the Email Addresses field. If a summary email of the alert is required, enter the email address(es) in this field to receive it. If no email addresses are entered, the alert(s) will still be displayed on the management site.
Last is the Projects field. Select one or more projects from this list to enact the Alert Policy to them. If no projects are selected, the policy will apply to all company devices regardless of project.
Hit Save to save the changes and turn the Alert on.
To Edit or Delete an alert, press the Options button on the right side of the screen.