Ensemble projects are used to associate policies and content with devices. Projects can be created with one of two management types: Fully Managed or Managed Profile. This guide will serve as a walkthrough for the Fully Managed project type. 

A Fully Managed project has full control over the device(s) on the project. This covers two common use cases:

  1. Open Devices: the device is not in kiosk mode, which means that users have full access to the device (native home screen, settings, Play store etc.) except for features that have been limited by management policies.
  2. Dedicated Devices: the device is in single or multi-kiosk mode, which means the device(s) have been locked down to a single app or single set of apps. 

When installing Ensemble on a Fully Managed device, either Zero-touch or a QR code must be used to activate the correct level of permissions. Installing directly from the Play store will automatically put a device in Managed Profile mode, which limits the control the admin has over that device.

Fully Managed

The Project management type is determined during project creation. 

To create a new project:

  1. Log into the Ensemble management site.
  2. Navigate to the Project page
  3. Click the + button on the upper right hand side of the Projects table.
  4. After pressing the + button, you will see the following screen:
  5. Fill out the name of the new project
  6. Choose Fully Managed
  7. Click Create Project

After creating the project, you must add devices to it before any policies can be applied.

Devices can be associated with a project in one of three ways:

  • IMEI or Serial: useful if the admin knows these ahead of time (i.e. when using Zero-touch enrollment) or if they know who the end user of the device will be or if user assignment is anonymous.
  • Application Username: useful if the admin does not know what device the user will be assigned ahead of time but wants to know who logged into each device.
  • QR Code: useful if the admin does not want to register the devices ahead of time (i.e. using QR code enrollment).

See Adding Device to A Project for more information.

For more information on setting up policies, please see this knowledgebase article: Setting Up Policies On A Project.