There are two types of user accounts within Ensemble: Portal Users Accounts, and Application User Accounts. This guide will provide an overview of both types, including custom user permissions.
Portal user accounts are used to log into the management site. They cannot be used to log into the Ensemble application and cannot be added to projects.
Creating user accounts
Note the two tables (one for portal and one for application users)
Click the '+ Add User' button on the top-right of the Portal User Accounts table.
- Fill out the following fields:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email address
Select if this user should receive email alerts
Click Next to move onto the Permissions screen.
Choose what permissions you wish the new user to have:
- Company User: The lowest prebuilt level. Company users can manage devices, but are unable to view other companies, or build other users.
- Company Admin: This is the next prebuilt level; Company Admins can't view other companies either, but they are able to manage and add new users.
- Organization Admin: Can only be created as an Organization Admin or above, this permission level allows the new user to search and view other companies, as well as create new companies if needed.
- Organization Master: This is the top level prebuilt user, which has full access to everything within their organization. This user is tied to the account used to create the organization.
- Custom User: A user level that allows for customization of roles and permissions, if you need a specific use case for this user.
- For more information on Custom Users, please see the section at the bottom of this article.
Click next to move onto the final page.
Once you have selected their permissions, you can either send them an email invite to create their own password and validate their account, or you can create a temporary password for them to log into the system with.
Managing Users
Once created, the user accounts will show up in the corresponding table. They can be managed by clicking "Options" in the far-right column, provided you are logged in as a user with the correct permissions. Once you click "Options", you can do the following:
- Resend email verification request: this can be used to re-send the automated email verification message, in case it got caught in a spam filter, deleted by the user, etc.
- Change password: you can change the user’s password if they’ve forgotten it. When you choose this, you will need to enter your password first, then enter and verify the user’s new password.
- Disable/Enable user: if you want to disable a user without deleting them from the table, choose this option. If you want to re-enable the user after disabling, click options again, and choose “enable user”.
- Change role: this allows you to change the user’s role, which means changing their permissions, if you wish to do so.
- Delete: removes the user from the table, which will shut them out of the site or the application, depending on which table they were built in.
- Click the '+' button on the top-right of the Application User Accounts table.
- Fill out the User Information step:
- First name / Last name: The desired name for the user.
- Email: Valid email address for the user.

After creating the user, you can either create their user password, which must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one upper-case letter, or Invite the user, which will send them a link to create their own password upon their initial login.
Adding Application User To Project
To do this:
- Navigate to your project
- Go to the Users tab
- Press the "+" button in the User Assignment table
- Select the Application user you wish to add and press add
- The user will be added to the project.
Custom Users
Custom Users can be created if you wish to have tailormade permissions for your user(s).
To create a custom user, select Custom in the permissions level field. The permissions that you can add to a custom user are as follows:
For permissions default added to Company User, they will be marked with *
For permissions default added to Company Admin, they will be marked with ^
For permissions default added to Organization Admin, they will be marked with ♢
Organization Master has access to all permissions.
View Users Page*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view the company users page. This has no affect on the project users page.
Create Users^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to create new users on the company users page.
Manage Users^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to manage portal users on the company users page. This includes changing permissions, changing passwords, disabling or deleting portal users.
Manage App Users*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to manage application users on the company users page. This includes changing permissions, changing passwords, disabling or deleting application users.
View Devices Page*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view the company devices page. This has no affect on the project devices page.
Manage Devices*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to manage devices on the company devices page. This includes setting up over-the-air enrollment with KME or ZTE, adding, removing, editing devices.
View Device Alerts*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view alerts about device information.
Manage Device Alerts*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to make changes to device alert policies.
View Private Content Page*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view the company private content page.
Manage Private Content*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to add and delete company content.
View Play Content Page*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view the Google play content page
Manage Play Content*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to allow and remove Google play content. They can also set managed configurations and set content policies. Remember that these policies can be changed from Google's admin website if they have access to the enterprise login credentials.
View Certificates Page*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view the company certificates page. This has no affect on the project certificate page.
Manage Certificates*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to add and remove certificates.
View Projects Page*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view the company projects page. This gives the user access to view all projects as well.
Manage Projects*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to make changes to the project. This enables all actions inside the project.
Manage Project Devices*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to add and remove project devices.
View Reports Page*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view the company reports page. The user will be able to export all reports and view activity from this page.
View Licenses Page*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view the company license page.
Manage Licenses^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to purchase new licenses or change the alias of existing licenses.
View API Settings^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view the API key from the settings page.
Manage API Settings^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to make changes to the API key from the settings page.
Search Companies♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to search across multiple companies in the organization. This will cause the company search page to appear and will show the company search drop-down on the side nav-bar.
Create New Companies♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to create a new company from inside the company search drop-down on the side-navigation bar.
View Organization Settings♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to view organization settings while on the account settings page.
Manage Org. Settings: Enabling this permission allows the user to make changes to the organization logo and colors.
Send Commands*^♢: Enabling this allows the user to send commands to devices. Commands can be sent from the company or project devices page. Locations can be refreshed on the device info page or the project dashboard.
Reboot*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a reboot command to the device. This can be done via the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Lock*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a lock command to the device. This can be done via the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Factory Reset*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a factory reset command to the device. This can be done via the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Ask for Bug Report*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a initiate bug report command to the device. This can be done via the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Clear App Data*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a wipe app data command to the device. The list of apps to wipe is set in the project policies. This can be done via the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Remove Accounts*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a command remove all non-work accounts from the device. This can be done via the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Remove Work Accounts^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a command to remove the work accounts from the device. This can be done via the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Set Device Passcode^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a command which sets the device lock-screen passcode. This can be done on the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Update Location*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to refresh the location of devices if location tracking is enabled in the project policy. This can be done from the project dashboard or the device information page.
Reload Policies*^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a command reload policies to the device. This can be done via the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Send Push Notifications^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a push notification message to the device. This can be done via the company or project device page via CSV or device Options.
Suspend Devices^♢: Enabling this permission allows the user to send a command to lock down and suspend devices.