The Reports & Activity page provides important information about your company. If you run a report, an Excel file with the information you selected will be downloaded to your computer. This report can be used to examine data on projects, devices and more. The activity table shows users' actions on the Ensemble website.


Organization Reports

Export a log of the companies under the organization umbrella, as well as the projects, devices, licenses, and/or users. Check one or many of the report types and click the export button to download the file(s).

Organization Companies example:

Organization Projects example:

Organization Devices example:

Organization Licenses example:

Organization Users example:

Company Reports

Export a log of the projects, devices, content, and/or licenses associated with the company that you select. Check one or many of the report types and then click the export button to download the file(s).

Company Projects Example:

Company Devices Example:

Company Content Example:

Company License Example:

Project Reports

Export a log of the devices, content and/or licenses associated with the selected project. Select the project you want the information for and then check one or many of the report types before clicking the export button to download the file(s). 

Project Devices Example:

Project Content Example:

Project License Example:


The "User Activity" table displays a log of different changes that have been made to the company using the Management Portal. The log shows the following information:

  • Which user performed the change
  • What project was affected, if any
  • What the change was
  • When the change was

You may also perform a specific user activity search by using the "Search activity" search bar.