Creating A New Project

  • Navigate to the "Projects" tab from the nav-bar. Click the "+" button in the top-right of the Projects table.
  • Enter the desired project name and select the license type you wish to use for the project. The license types available will be based on the licenses purchased by your company.
    • IMPORTANT: some policies require the use of a Pro license. For more information on policies, please see this knowledgebase article. 
  • Once finished, click "Create Project" in the bottom-right of the modal.
  • The project will now appear in the Projects table.

Managing A Project

  • Click "Options" in the far-right column of the Projects table of the project you wish to manage.
  • There will be a few options that pop-up:
    • Enable Push Notifications Page
      • This will enable/disable the Push Notifications Page on the project itself, allowing/disallowing you to use that feature.
    • Cloning a project: This creates a new project with similar properties.
      • The cloned project will NOT contain the devices from the original project
      • Ensure that the new project has a new name than the previous one.
    • Archiving a project: This will decommision the project and prohibit any changes from being made to it.
      • The archived project will be added to the Archived Projects table, where it can be restored.
      • Changes made to a device that is assigned to an archived project will NOT be deployed until the project is restored.
    • Delete: This is self-explanatory and will delete the project from the company, as well as remove all the devices from the project.