The Google Play content page allows you to approve and manage Google Play store apps. These apps will be available to download when they are added to projects. A Google Enterprise is required to manage Google Play store apps.

Setting up a Google Enterprise account

 A Google Enterprise account can be setup with either a G Suite or a Gmail Account.


Enroll with a G Suite Account 

What is a G Suite Account:

G Suite allows employees to have Gmail accounts that use a business domain.

What is the Primary Domain:

The business domain of the G Suite account.

Create an Organizational Unit (If one does not already exist)

  1. Go to the Manage Organizational units page of the Google Admin console.
  2. Create a new Organizational unit. The name here will be the name of the Google enterprise created for Ensemble.

Where to get a registration token:

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.
  2. Sign in using an account with super administrator privileges.
  3. From the Admin console Home page, go to Devices.
  4. From the side navigation, expand the Settings option, then click Third-party integrations and then Android EMM.
  5. Choose which organizational unit to associate the Android EMM.
  6. Click the edit icon to open the Android EMM settings.
  7. Enable third-party Android mobile management and click Add EMM provider.
  8. If a token is present in the token generator, copy the token. Otherwise, click Generate Token to create a new token and copy it.
  9. Go to the Google Play Content page and enter the primary domain and registration token.

Enroll with a Gmail Account 

A Google Enterprise Account is associated with your organization and allows you to select, purchase, and manage enterprise apps for your organization through the Google Play Store.

  1. Navigate to the 'Google Play Content' page.
  2. Under 'Enroll with Gmail', click 'Enroll Enterprise' to generate a sign-up url. 
  3. Clicking that URL will start a set-up flow for creating an enterprise account.
  4. Company Name: enter the name you'd like to give the enterprise.
  5. (Optional) Data protection officer and EU representative: fill these out if applicable.
  6. Click "Complete Registration" to finish setting up your Enterprise Account.
  7. You will be redirected back to the management portal.

Note: The current Google account you are logged into on the browser will be used to setup the enterprise account. Ensure that you are logged in as the desired account before setting this up. This does not have to be the same email used to log into Ensemble.

Un-Enrolling An Enterprise Account

Un-enrolling a Google Enterprise account will remove the ability for you to use Google Play with your Management account. Continue on with the following steps to un-enroll your enterprise account:

  • Expand the 'Enterprise enrolled!' drop-down.
  • Select 'Un-enroll Enterprise' under the Action(s) heading.

  • You can now re-enroll or sign-in to a different Google account to enroll a new enterprise.

Re-enrolling into an Enterprise 

With-in 30 days of un-enrolling from an Enterprise. The enterprise can be re-enrolled with Ensemble.